Price Guide

Please refer to the Art Styles page for more details on the different styles.

MC pack refers to a Main Character package. For more information, check out the Expressions page.

You can also refer to the FAQ if you have any other questions, or drop me a line on the Contact page.

Updated: 9/25/23



Flat, Cell Shade or Digital Watercolor $45

Soft Shade $60


Flat, Cell Shade or Digital Watercolor $60

Soft Shade $80


Flat, Cell Shade or Digital Watercolor $75

Soft Shade $100


Flat, Cell Shade or Digital Watercolor $95

Soft Shade $125


MC (Main Character) Expressions Pack: $40 soft shade or $30 cell shade

Single Expression: $5 soft-shade vs. $4 cell shade


Extra Arms Pose* +$20

Extra Outfit $35+ depending on complexity

Extra Hairstyle: $15+

Props: $5 - 20+ depending on complexity

*Poses that shift the entire body (torso, legs and arms) will incur the fee of another original base sprite.


Prices will vary per piece, but generally, rates will follow the base sprite guidelines.

1st - 2nd Character(s): Original base cost, listed above

3rd - 4th Characters: 50% of base cost**

5+ Characters: Negotiate in Private

+Pose Variation: As listed above for Sprites

+Expression Variation: As listed for Sprites

**For images with varying sizes, i.e. 2 full-body and 1 bust, the 50% discount will only apply to the cheapest character. For a third character that is tiny / way in the background, cost may be reduced/complimentary.

Depending on the emotional needs of the scene, framing can be adjusted to be more tight/economical if budget is a concern. Prices should be agreed upon by both parties before work starts.

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!

Note: I do not draw complicated backgrounds. I can coordinate with your background artist / reference their work, but I do not draw complicated bg. Simple bg is complimentary.

CG Price Examples:

Intimate one character close-up, lying down on bed, bust up:
> cell shade: $45 vs. soft-shade $60

Two characters kissing, Bust-up:
> cell shade: $45 x 2 = $90 vs. soft shade $60 x 2 = $120

Two character hug, half-body:
> cell shade: $60x2 = $120 vs. soft shade: $80x2 = $160

Two characters fight, thigh-up:
> cell shade: $75x2 = $150 vs. soft shade: $100x2 = $200

Three characters hanging out, 3 half body:
> cell shade: $60x2 + 1/2 ($60)= $150 vs. soft shade: $80x2+1/2($80)= $200